Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A bit of Padrone, and Italy, for you

Padrone, as y'all may know by now, is Italian. He loves Italy, of course, and really enjoys sharing His culture with me and with others. He does so through various means, but one which i will share with you is through music.

Padrone translates songs from Italian into English, subtitles videos with the translations, and posts the videos on youtube. Personally, i love them, and it's just time to share them with others. So i'll embed a couple here, and try to figure out a way to make them a permanent, yet periodically rotating, part of my blog. If y'all have any ideas on how to do this, AND the ability to teach a challenged woman how, please let me know!

For now, i'll simply embed them into posts now and then, and hope that y'all will search for the others if you're interested. His name there is FrantiSir. :)

From mushy to fun!:

i am also including more of "Italy" on my blog. i've added a couple of things to the layout but i'm not sure which will stay, if either of them will. The pics of Italy on the sidebar and the Italian word of the day, obviously at the top of the blog - each of them will bring a bit of Padrone and His world to y'all as well. i hope y'all enjoy it!

Padrone, i love You, i love Your country, and Your culture. The language is beautiful even if i am too challenged to learn it well! i am proud to be owned by an Italian man, proud that You choose to share Your love of Your culture with me, and proud to be Your slave...Your woman. Thank You for simply being who You are, my Master.


turiya said...

I love this idea. I'm actually 1/4 Italian. My mom is 1/2 Italian and 1/2 Portuguese, so it'll be nice to learn something of my family's heritage... on that side of the family. I grew up with my grandmother treating me as though I had no Italian blood in me because I was "half white"... so as far as she was concerned I wasn't Italian at all.

For that reason, mainly, I've always focused more on the Cherokee side of my heritage (from my dad's side), but I've always had this inner desire to visit Italy some day. I'd love to find out which part of Italy my family comes from and visit there. That would be so awesome.


mouse said...

Italy is on my bucket list.


schiava said...

spirited - that is so cool! I wish I had ANY Italian in me, but I am German Jew/Irish/Choctaw. Interesting combination, I know! But I am steadily falling in love with so many things Italian!

mouse - mine too, believe me!

Still playing with widgets and layout and stuff. It will get settled eventually. :)