Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A quick Hello

i had planned to type a post earlier this week, but life happens all too frequently around here, and it's already the middle of the week, and i didn't type a post last week...ugh. Y'all know, the best laid plans of mice, men, and slaves...

So, the plan changed, and i have little to say because of "life happening", and i am typing this for no reason, just to say "to be continued", i guess.

Son is back in college, and only forgot everything he needed (he left unexpectedly, and hence wasn't prepared). i packed up and sent some stuff with his girlfriend the other day, but i forgot his medicine so i'm sure within a few days i'll have to make arrangements to get it to him. It's alright, that one was my own fault. i'm pretty forgetful about many things, and he had a list of things, some of which were vague ("any clothes you think i'd wear or would like to have"..yeah right, as picky as HE is about his clothes???) He also left his debit card, but since he lives only a couple of blocks from the bank, i am not that worried about that one.

Anyway, daughter changed her job yet again, but she finally has one she absolutely loves and i am very glad for her. She's waitressing at a pizza place, making good tips for the type of restaurant it is, plus $5 per hour, which isn't bad for a 16 year old kid, i don't think. With her being homeschooled, she has the opportunity to work days, which is the only reason she was hired. It's a locally owned shop, so they take care of their employees and are far more understanding of softball schedules, etc, than many places are. i'm really glad for her.

And me? Well i'm still at the interim job, studying for my test that i have to take to get my teacher's certification via the alternate route to certification. The plan is to take it on March 13, and i'll hear the results in a few weeks after that. In my state, because of the subject i am getting certified in, i can apply for my one-year license after only taking the tests, and follow up with the established programs while i am actually teaching, so i hope to be teaching in August. It's not as easy to find teaching jobs nowadays as it was a few years ago, but since i plan to become certified in Special Ed, that will help me tremendously i know. i truly hope and pray that i will be able to pass this test and find a job and begin teaching in August. But we'll see.

And i guess it is only fair to let y'all know that i am struggling in my slavery lately. Maybe that's why i haven't blogged, i don't know, but i thought things were going better, and then ... well, i had a major meltdown yesterday. So we're back in the emotional discussion mode, and it's frankly exhausting.

Anyway, that's that, and i'll post again later this week.

Padrone, i am so glad that i am Yours, and that what we have is worth each of us finding ways to make each other happy to be in this relationship. i am so grateful that i am all You need, even if i struggle at times and push myself too hard and don't gauge my emotional state closely enough .... sacrificing my emotional balance, creating far more problems, simply out of "submission". Maybe that is something i should think about for a while...

i love You, my Padrone.

1 comment:

butterfly said...

It does sound like things are crazy for you. There must be something in the life has been a 'mess' too. I'm sure things will sort themselves out soon.

And just for the record, I feel like most of us (slaves) go through cycles. It's a struggle for a bit, then things are awesome and easy, then it's a struggle for a bit, etc. At least, I know that's how things go for me.
