Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One more year

It is once again our anniversary, and it seems that things keep getting better and better. It never seems possible, and yet somehow, it always happens!

Lately has probably been the most difficult time of our entire relationship, and to be honest, had some of these things happened early on, it might not have survived. But thanks mostly to Padrone's patience, understanding, and His real work at being the best Master He can be, for the slave He owns.

Padrone has been so very consistent, and yet He has changed in some ways in the two years that His collar has circled my neck. We both have, i know, but somehow i never realized that He was growing along with me. Somehow i used to have this image of Him as .... waiting for me to grow into the slave He deserves, because He deserves the best possible slave there is. But i have learned that His desire is to be the best possible Master for me as well, and for some reason that really stunned me....

So now, on our Anniversary, a day of celebration, of looking both back to where we have come from and ahead to where we will go....i say thank You, my Master.

Thank You for the love that i had to learn to see.
Thank You for the patience that lets me grow.
Thank You for the focus on Your slave that frees me to focus on You so totally.
Thank You for the acceptance that creates safety.
Thank You for using my body, my mind, my emotions, for Your pleasure.
Thank You for needing the depths of submission that i could never before express.
Thank You for believing in me.
Thank You for being someone i can also believe in.
Thank You, Padrone, for owning me so beautifully.

Absolutely and completely devoted to You,
i am Yours.

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