Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is a 4 year old (blog) still a baby?

i have been blogging for 4 years now! It's amazing to think that it was so long ago when i began this blog, and to think of all that has happened to me, to Padrone, to us and to our families and lives since then.

Four years ago i hadn't even been collared a year yet! Now it's almost 5...just wow. i have let it slide and not typed here as often as i meant to when i first began, and i know i have been redundant at times, but overall i think it's a very real and revealing snapshot of how i have changed in the past few years...something i naively didn't expect to see when i began this blog.

Padrone, i'm glad You enjoy my words, that's for sure!

i love You, my Master.


greengirl said...

congrats, that's like forever in the blog world. I know you will succeed this summer and really excel at your new career - just hang in there.

Rose said...

That's amazing- i've been blogging for a year and a half now and i can really see where i've changed- i can't wait to be able to look back 5 years or more!

Well done, thank you for sharing your journey with everybody and i wish you all the best.
