Saturday, January 29, 2011

i'm tired

i have always tried to keep this place somewhere that i didn't whine and complain. But i am every way one can be tired.

Physically i can't seem to get rest. i can't sleep well at night. i am always doing something or going somewhere during the days. From the moment i wake up until i go to sleep, i am required to do something for someone, and it is usually not me. i'm just plain tired.

Intellectually, i have had a time trying to figure ways to postpone things until money comes in. School is not a problem this semester, at all (so far at least, i am sure there are stresses coming, it is school after all). But i still feel drained, as if i have worked too many difficult puzzles, and as if most of them are far too difficult for me anyway.

Mentally, i have been worried and concerned over a lot of things. Stress about work issues, worry over the future, and yes worries about our relationship have kept my mind from shutting down at all. i do know how bad worrying is for me, but it is something i have yet to learn to not do. No, i don't want tips or help in this because frankly, i feel like enough of a failure as it is.

Emotionally....this one i can't even type about tonight. i am way too scattered emotionally to make sense of myself, much less try to type coherently.

But most of all, i'm just tired. Tired of not being....good enough.

That's all.

1 comment:

Vulnerable said...

Oh, Darling...I am crossing my fingers for you, I believe you deserved some rest and relax just for you. We all have such days, we are in ruch, tired, doing everything only for others, forgetting about ourselves... But you know - before you want to help others to be happy, first you need to be happy too...

Oh and please feel warmly welcome to read my blog to. Warm hugs, full of energy!