Sunday, February 13, 2011

Boring, boring post (you were warned)

i am supposed to be finishing a very boring school assignment right now. And i *do* have my word processing program open, and i *do* have the resource link pages open, but i am taking a break. That's it, a break. *yawn*

i mean, really. How many specific resources ... well, *good* resources ... are out there, with local chapters and interactive websites? I've already done an assignment for one class where i had to find 50 resources for families of special needs individuals, an assignment for another class where i had to come up with 25 resources for educators, and this one where i have to come up with 10 - for specific disorders and a one page summary of each website. How much variety can there be in that? i feel as if i am repeating the same things over and over and frankly it is incredibly boring.

But at least i'm bookmarking some good sites. Who knows if i'll ever use them or not? But i guess the point is to actually have access to them, to be able to provide them if a family wants or needs them themselves.

i have 7 out of 10 completed, and half of number 8. i have to turn it in in one hour and 55 minutes. Well, 54 minutes, *before* midnight my time.

So i don't think i can type anything of substance here this week. i have had a couple of thoughts flitting through my brain but i can't seem to make them settle into actual words. And i don't have time to type them into coherence tonight, like i do sometimes.

i hope i can type soon, something other than this type of thing.

But i won't type about the fact that Padrone and i have had a larger number of misunderstandings lately than we ever have had, and of course it's mostly my own fault. i won't type about the fact that i have really felt my foundation of confidence shake and tremble and outright crumble lately. And i won't type about the fantastic use that happened while i was alone for a few hours on my recent trip with my daughter to see her boyfriend. Sorry about that last - lol.

Padrone, i am sorry this is such a boring, boring post. i will get busy with my assignment and get to bed soon, i promise!

i love you.

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