For my Padrone:
my Master ....... this is my attempt to relate who You are, who You are to me, and what it means to have You as my Master.
Authority. There can be no relationship between Master and slave without it. You know that You have the authority to do in my life as You wish. i am grateful that You use that authority wisely.
Beacon. You may not realize just how much influence You have on my thought patterns daily, Padrone. i use the things You have taught me, and even the thoughts of how i *think* You may react, to help me control my own errant thoughts and tongue.
Comforter. How many times have i sobbed on Your shoulder, and heard Your soft......sshhhhh......shhhh.....Your silence, just letting me cry....not hurrying or pushing me to "calm down".....even when You didn't understand what i was upset about....
Dominant. Does this one go without saying? Maybe it does, but it won't here. You have a real sense of what it takes to be a Dominant, Padrone. You don't pretend or put on airs....You just *are* Dominant.
Ear. Alright, this is an "American-ism" maybe, but it means that You are a listener. When i think of all the problems You have listened to, from my kids to my past and most anything in between, without trying to tell me how to "fix" things unless i ask...i am amazed, and a bit ashamed for 'dumping' on You like that, is part of my life, and You want to know my life.
Forgiving. This one truly does go without saying. i am humbled and relieved that You forgive so thoroughly. So blessed.
Guide. Life itself is a journey, and things we talk about, even in general conversation, make me look to Your example, Your philosophy, Your outlook on life, and many times they shape my thinking and actions. Even if it isn't an intentional 'teaching moment' on Your part, often Your words influence my choices.
Hand. This sounds strange, but i feel held by You, and the symbolism for being held is a hand. Your hand would also bring much needed pain and pleasure, it relates pride and love in gentle caresses and stroking my hair.
Influence. In all areas of my life, from my online experiences to where i sit in my home, You have influenced me, shaped me.
Jeweler. So many jewels i carry in my crown of ownership now, Padrone. You seem to know when to give them, although i know it is when You want to give them....they seem to come at just the right time, from my perspective.
Kind. This one may burst someone's bubble about You, Padrone, although Your kindness truly is no secret. i love how You kept it protected for a while, until You knew that i would not see Your kindness as a weakness. i see it as a strength in You, and in our relationship.
Lover. *no words needed, just remembering.....and anticipating.....*
Motivator. You motivate with positives, not with negatives, meeting a need deep within me. i have always been more motivated by fear of punishment, but with You....there is knowledge of punishment when needed, but no fear of it. Finally.
Natural. You are Dominant. You have nothing to prove, and You simply act as who You are. It is beautiful.
Optimistic. A perfect balance to my "glass half-empty" mentality, Padrone, although You aren't unrealistic in Your optimism. It is more a case of looking at the forest rather than the trees. You are teaching me that, whether You mean to or not. The mindset of a lifetime is difficult to change, and i am a slow student in this i am afraid. But You never seem to lose hope that i will learn eventually.
Pride. Yes, You are proud to own me, and Your pride in Yourself as well as Your slave is a very integral, and attractive, part of You.
Quiet. Alright, You say little much of the time in channel. And i do most of the talking during most of our phone conversations. And even in PM there are a lot more of my words most of the time than Yours. But i'm talking about something else entirely, and You know what i mean now, i am sure.
Remarkable. What a perfect adjective to describe my Padrone. It sums up all of the things i try to say, into one concise word.
Stable. Maybe not the most romantic thing to say, but Your stability is one of the things i have held fast to, when things have been traumatic in the past. It is one thing i value most about You. But, on the other hand, Surprising is another delightful trait that i love and treasure.
Tempting, Teasing, Tantalizing, Torturer, Tormentor. Need i say more?
Understanding. With someone who has as much baggage as i do, this trait is absolutely a must. You have it in great quantities, and You try hard to understand so that You can own me better, and so that future misunderstandings can be avoided.
Virile. Again, need i say more? But Vigilant would be another - Your vigilance is what helped You learn to trust me, and it is also what caused the event that changed our relationship for the better.
Wicked. *drool*
Xcellence. (So i cheated. But *you* try to think of an X word that fits here.) Padrone, i think Your high standards for both behavior and obedience attracted me to You from the beginning. To me, that is what it is about, as our behavior reflects on each other. i love making You proud.
Yearning. This is my own attribute, but i think it fits You at times as well. i know there are times when You wish for more than what is there, that is one reason for new requirements and new tasks. There is a yearning to express control in my life in deeper, or varied ways. i am glad, since it is a mirror image of my own deep yearning for Your control.
Zeal. This word is a bit strong, but i think it fits to a degree. You are deeply and passionately commited to me, and to our relationship, and You work to strengthen and protect it with great diligence, just as i do. So while zeal is a bit strong, i think it is not really inappropriate to use to describe You.
Well, this has been a lighthearted, yet sincere, attempt to relate many things, the most basic and inclusive of which is merely how much i love You, my Padrone.
Happy Anniversary.
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