Thursday, February 01, 2007

Love does not envy

You know, Padrone made a very valid point when we talked last night. He said that many folks who see us in channel, or who might read this blog, would probably get an impression that i have never wanted to send. We don't have a perfect relationship, by any means. He isn't a perfect man or a perfect Dom. i am nowhere near the perfect slave or woman either. We have our moments, trials, disagreements, misunderstandings....What sets us apart is something that He said last night....we have worked so hard to get through the things that have come our way so far, that we KNOW we can get through whatever's next. i honestly think that is a difference-maker. We have that confidence and trust in ourselves and in each other that shows every time we are in channel, and a deep appreciation for one another that makes us seldom take the other one for granted. That, i think, is why we seem fresh and new and "ideal" to some.

The point is, i did not mean for what i am doing now to come across as a "Padrone is the perfect man" time. What i hope to get across with these next few posts is what i have learned about loving someone, through being His, and being willing to see what He does to show His love for me, rather than simply demanding that He show it in the way *i* want Him to. When someone learns to let the other person show feelings in his or her own way, then he or she is free to accept what is offered without a catch. Padrone loves me. i have learned to look for the ways He shows it. And yes, i have learned to love better from it, myself.

Now, on to the topic of the day. Love does not envy, still from 1 Corinthians 13:4.

i envy. i freely admit it. i try hard not to, and i can go for a while sometimes without the feelings of envy brought to mind. But i do still feel those things. And Padrone says that He is jealous of what He owns, but that isn't the same as envying someone something. i've never heard Him say that He envies anyone anything, but He may have. It isn't an overriding part of His emotional makeup, though, with anyone or anything out there.

i, on the other hand, envy something as small as a fast internet connection! lol! But i am learning to accept what i have and where i am, in all things, not just certain ones. And i accept Padrone for who He is and where He is emotionally as well, and i know He does me. He isn't envious of me or of my time or my life......or even the freedom that i have simply because it isn't realistically possible for Him to control me as He would if we lived closer. i learned long ago something that i try hard to live by, but which i fail in a lot......what is, is. He seems to know that instinctively. Of Maybe i envy how often He is right,

Padrone, i love You, and i thank You for the talk last night that led to this blog post today.


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